TIMO Levels Kelompok TK (Kindergaten) Kelompok Tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kelas 1 (Primary 1) Kelas 2 (Primary 2) Kelas 3 (Primary 3) Kelas 4 (Primary 4) Kelas 5 (Primary 5) Kelas 6 (Primary 6) Kelompok Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Kelas 1 (Secondary 1) Kelas 2 (Secondary 2) Kelas 3 (Secondary 3) Kelompok Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Kelas 1,2,3 (Senior Secondary) Struktur Soal Ujian Logical Thinking Arithmetic / Algebra Number Theory Geometry Combinatorics Heat Round (Seleksi Nasional) Number of Questions: 25 Score per questions: 4 Total score: 100Time allowed: 1.5 hours (90 minutes) Exam Area:Logical thinking 5Arithmetic / Algebra 5Number Theory 5Geometry 5Combinatorics 5Bahasa Bilingual (Inggris – Indonesia) Mock Exam ***MARKS WILL NOT BE COUNTED INTO THE FINAL*** Number of Questions: 30 Score per questions: 5 Total score: 150Time allowed: 1.5 hours (90 minutes) Exam Area:Logical thinking 6Arithmetic / Algebra 6Number Theory 6Geometry 6Combinatorics 6Language English Final Round Number of Questions: 30 Score per questions: 5 Total score: 150Time allowed: 2 hours (120 minutes) Exam Area:Logical thinking 6Arithmetic / Algebra 6Number Theory 6Geometry 6Combinatorics 6Language Bilingual (Inggris – Indonesia)